Title: This title has a variable {sometext} {moretext}
Alias: this-title-has-a-variable-{sometext}-{moretext}
Text: This is the actual content that may contain {sometext} that will be changed as the content is generated. It may also contain {moretext} and can contain images. It may also contain spin text format like this {{|very }{fast|quick}|aggressive}.
Metadata Description: This article is all about {sometext}
Metadata keywords: {sometext}
If my Tagcodes contain the following:
Sometext moretext
A1 B1
A2 B2
When you click on the generate content button it will generate 4 Articles. The first article will look like:
Title: This title has a variable A1 B1
Alias: this-title-has-a-variable-A1-B1
Text: This is the actual content that may contain A1 that will be changed as the content is generated. It may also contain B1 and can contain images. It may also contain spin text format like this very fast.
Metadata Description: This article is all about A1
Metadata keywords: A1