Follwoing is the troubleshooting tips for the new Twiiter API 1.1 as Twitter updated their new API
Troubleshooting tip 1: Make sure you have cURL enabled on your server setup which is required by the new Twitter API V1.1
Troubleshooting tip 2: The new rate limits for V1.1 for user timelines are 180 requests per 15 minute window. IP Address based limited no longer applies as it did with non-authenticated requests. So if you have a high volume of visitors to your website, then it’s probably worth setting up caching of Diginix Twitter Ticker .
Troubleshooting tip 3: If you are getting internal 500 server errors on the twitter feed, this could be down to a number of things. Try enabling friendly Joomla display errors or checking log files to see the exact error message and communicate same to us for figure it out.
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Troubleshooting tip 1: Make sure you have cURL enabled on your server setup which is required by the new Twitter API V1.1
Troubleshooting tip 2: The new rate limits for V1.1 for user timelines are 180 requests per 15 minute window. IP Address based limited no longer applies as it did with non-authenticated requests. So if you have a high volume of visitors to your website, then it’s probably worth setting up caching of Diginix Twitter Ticker .
Troubleshooting tip 3: If you are getting internal 500 server errors on the twitter feed, this could be down to a number of things. Try enabling friendly Joomla display errors or checking log files to see the exact error message and communicate the same to us for figure it out.