Date: 29. August 2012

Diginix Image Slider for Joomla by Diginix Technologies is a Javascript based ( no jQuery, no flash ) image slider for your Joomla website. Ability to slide images as well as HTML captions with linking, support up to 30+ transition effects.Diginix Slider is a responsive slideshow that automatically adapts browser or device size and resizes the images in the slideshow accordingly. It uses the best performance responsive slider approach, Digini Slider can be scaled to any size at realtime.
- Performance:
Diginix Slider is independent javascript slider (no JQuiry, no Flash), it depends no third party javascript library. The smart compression engine reserves code only necessary. All codes relate to unused features will be removed clearly. The size of final independent javascript code is minimum 15 KB which is much less than the jQuery scripts ( size of slider script + 92kb jQuery script)
- Touch Swipe by Finger:
Diginix Slider is touch swipe image slider. When touch in a mobile device, it freezes and then moves to the direction that finger swipes to. It comes with easy to use generation tool and full javascript source code.
- Responsive:
Diginix Slider is reponsive by calling the best performance API responsive slider approach, It can be scaled to any size at realtime.
- Mobile Device Optimized:
Dignix Slider works on any javascript enabled browser, including Windows Phone, iOS, Android and Opera Mobile etc.
And it is well tested on Samsung mobile, iPhone, iPad, HTC, Blackberry.
- Caption Effects/Transitions
Tons of options enable you build your own caption transition. You can start with fade, move, clip, wave, jump, rotate or zoom transitions, and so many more that you can imagine.
- Scalable Layout Engine
Scalable layout engine makes deep customization possible. It means that the interface is adaptive, you can add or remove bullet navigator, arrow navigator, captions, or any other decoration interface.
- Arrow Key Navigation
Press arrow left key to swipe left, press arrow right key to swipe right.
- Cross Browser, All Browsers Supported
Diginix Slider is cross browser slider, all browsers are supported (IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+, Opera 10+, iOS Safari, Opera Mobile, Android Browser, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows Surface etc.).
This version is released under the GNU GPL License, and can be used on Unlimited Domains.