Diginix Technologies - The complete CMS solution provider
Business - business_diginix_template_j16.zip
License Agreement
The terms of use below constitute a legal Agreement between you (Herein referred to as "The Template User") and Diginix Technologies (Herein referred to as "The Company"), legal owner of the domain name and website diginixtech.com (Herein referred to as "The Website"), each referred to herein as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".
Please read the Terms and Conditions of this license agreement before using the extension(s), if you do not agree with this Terms and Conditions, do not download or use extension(s) and delete or destroy all copies of the product in your possession.
Terms of Use for Commercial Template(s).
By downloading and using any of the template designed and/or distributed by the Company the template User agrees to the terms below.
1. Template developed by the Company and distributed under GNU General Public License.
All of the Templatges developed by the Company that include a GNU GPL copyright notice in their source file are provided under the GPL version 3.0 license. Only the PHP code portions of the Company extensions are distributed under the GPL version 3.0 license. If not otherwise stated, all images, cascading style sheets, and included JavaScript are NOT GPL. These elements of product that are not compiled together but are sent independently of GPL code, and combined in a client's browser, do not have to be GPL themselves. These images, cascading style sheets and JavaScript elements are copyrighted and can be used for your own purposes.
2. The elements of the products developed by the Company that are NOT distributed under GNU General Public License the following terms apply:
2.1. The Company grants a non-exclusive License to use template.
2.2. You may use the templates for Commercial use, Personal use, Professional use.
2.3. You are authorized to make modification(s) to our products to fit your purposes or requests of your
client(s). You are permitted to remove any copyright within the index.php file or CSS files, or the
XML file.
2.4. The Templates User may not offer any of the Company's templates, modified or not for redistribution or resale of any kind without prior written consent by the Company.
2.5. PSD or any vector files are not provided as part of the template.
Product Installation:
We do not install any of our products which require installation. Installation is a paid service which is not included in the license. Our templates are compatible with Joomla 1.5.x (or/and Joomla 1.6, Joomla 1.7 where is mentioned) under PHP 5.x environment. We are not responsible from old versions when you faced with a problem.
Our products are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall our juridical person be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use our products.
Refund & Exchange Policy:
If a customer purchases a commercial license to a release version of one of our products, we do not offer a cash refund or an exchange. Unlike physical goods, electronically distributed software and software licenses can be easily duplicated. Accordingly, it is our policy that once you have purchased a release version of our product, the sale is final, and you may not return or exchange the software for a refund, credit or replacement.
Terms of Use Change
The Company reserves the right to change the above terms of use at any time. Such changes will become effective and binding after their posting on the Company's website. The Template User is responsible to regularly review the Terms of Use and be aware of the changes made. By continuing to use the extensions after any posted revision, the Template User agrees to abide by it.