Diginix Twitter Ticker by Diginix Technologies is a GPL Joomla Module that allows you to display Twitter Ticker in a Module position. This module shows up to 20 of the most recent User's Timeline or HashTag in a horizontal ticker scrolling (from right to left). It gives you the flexibility to change background color, fonts color, fonts size, icon, height and direction. Easy to configure with API V1.1. There is no token access or any other key is requred.
- Displays Twitter timeline/Screen name or HashTag from Twitter on real time.
- Ability to read from and maintenance cache to avoid Twitter Rate Limits Exceeded.
- Easy to configure with Twitter API V1.1
- No Twitter Tocken Access or any other key is required.
- Easy to configure background color, font style and size, feed's icon, scrolling speed, height and width of display panel.
- Displays Timestamp of the feeds.
- Compatable with Responsive Template. Automatically adapts browser or device size and resizes the width accordingly.
This version is released under the GNU GPL License, can be used in Unlimited Domains.
Price US$ 09.00 (Price includes FREE updates and support for 06 months)
Term of use Demo Documentation